Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Dee Jay
Dee Jay
E. Honda
E. Honda
M. Bison
M. Bison

Move List

Common Moves
Drive Impact
Wild Scratch
Costs 1 Drive Gauge stock
Drive Reversal
Quick Rolling Attack
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Drive Parry
Drive Parry
Costs Drive Gauge
Parry Drive Rush
Costs 0.5 Drive Gauge stock
Cancel Drive Rush
Costs 3 Drive Gauge stocks
Wild Fang
Jungle Flip
Wild Bites
(In air)LP+LK
Unique Attacks
Rock Crusher
Double Knee Bombs
Wild Edge
Wild Nail
Amazon River Run
Coward Crouch
Down+2x P
Wild Lift
Raid Jump
Surprise Forward Hop
Right+3x K
Surprise Back Hop
Left+3x K
Special Moves
Electric Thunder
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Left+P
Rolling Attack
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Vertical Rolling Attack
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Backstep Rolling Attack
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Half Circle Left+K
Aerial Rolling Attack
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
(In air)HoldLeftRight+P
Wild Hunt
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+K
Blanka-chan Bomb
Rolling Cannon
(When performing a rolling-type special)Any direction+P
Super Arts
Shout of Earth
Costs 1 Super Art stock
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+P
Lightning Beast
Costs 2 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+P
Ground Shave Cannonball
Costs 3 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K


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Blanka guide
Basic Info: How to play Blanka
With a wide assortment of charging and movement techniques, Blanka is a tricky character who can move across the stage with the greatest of ease.
With a wide variety of charging attacks and techniques that allow him to move freely about the stage, Blanka excels at tactics centered around confusing an opponent.
His long-range moves makes him a force to be reckoned with at mid-range, but he can also use his movement techniques to quickly mount an assault on an opponent and break through their guard.
His Rolling Attack has him charge forward, and is useful both for surprise attacks and as a way of approaching an opponent.
Special Move: Electric Thunder (Quarter Circle Left+P)
Envelop your entire body with electricity to shock your opponent. This move executes quickly, making it useful to combo into from normal moves.
The range on this is short, but you can't be counterattacked if it gets blocked! After doing a normal move, use it right away to leave your opponent in shock! Uwo!
If it hits, it'll follow up with another electrical shock! And even if it gets blocked, you get to act first!
Special Move: Rolling Attack (HoldLeftRight+P)
Curl your body into a ball and fly forward with a spinning tackle. Useful for launching surprise attacks from far away.
Light, medium, and heavy Rolling Attacks go different distances. You can use the heavy one to rush at your opponent, or the light one to stop right in front of them. Mix it up to get your opponent's head spinning!
This one is tough to counterattack even if it gets blocked! And if it hits, it'll knock your prey into the air so you can get another attack in. It's great in combos and as a surprise attack! Use it lots and lots!
Special Move: Vertical Rolling Attack (HoldDownUp+K)
Curl your body into a ball and rise upward with a spinning tackle. This move has invincibility against jumping attacks while it is rising.
Use this against people who are jumping. And you can also use it to get a follow-up attack after launching them into the air!
In Overdrive, the move is invincible for as long as it's out, whether you're on the ground or in the air! If your opponent is closing in on you, make them back off with this.
Special Move: Backstep Rolling Attack (Half Circle Left+K)
Take a quick step backwards, then perform a spinning tackle through the air in a triangular arc. Useful when launching an offensive intended to confuse your opponent.
Light, medium, and heavy Backstep Rolling Attacks go different distances. And when you're in the roll, you can adjust the distance using left or right! It's a great way to keep your prey guessing.
If you do the Overdrive version, you'll be able to attack with the backflip at the beginning! And if it hits, you'll also hit with the rotating attacks that come out after.
Special Move: Aerial Rolling Attack (HoldLeftRight+P during a jump)
Quickly descend from the air with a spinning tackle. Effective when used as a surprise attack while feigning a backward jump.
It's hard for people to counter this one if you land right in front of them. Try aiming for their feet—it's how we do it in the jungle!
If it hits, you'll get a follow-up attack for extra damage. If it's blocked, you'll land on the ground normally and will get to act before your opponent can.
Special Move: Wild Hunt (Quarter Circle Right+K)
Leap at an opponent, pin them down, and scratch them multiple times. Useful for slipping through the guard of opponents who are committed to blocking.
Cancel into this from a normal move to break through an opponent's guard! It's also really handy for getting one over on people who are looking to Drive Parry you.
You'll jump on your opponent even faster! And if you hold forward while you're moving, you'll be able to jump even farther! Doing this out of nowhere is sure to surprise your prey! Uwo!
Special Move: Blanka-chan Bomb (DownDown+P)
Toss out a Blanka-chan doll designed to resemble Blanka himself. Once it lands on the ground, touching it with an electrical special move will cause it to run toward and attack your opponent.
Power up Blanka-chan with an electric shock! What it'll do depends on the kind of electricity you use! Work together with Blanka-chan to mount an offense! This is the power of a jungle sprite! Uwooo!
Super Art: Shout of Earth (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+P)
Leap into the air and slam both fists into the ground, creating a powerful electric shock. Its invincibility makes it useful for turning the tables, but it is also effective in combos.
If you get your prey in the air with an OD Rolling Attack, use this move to follow up on it! The best part is that you can use it in combos even if you don't have a charge.
Super Art: Lightning Beast (Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+P)
Electrically charge your own body to power up your special moves and Super Arts. It also enables the use of Rolling Cannon from all rolling-type special moves.
This will power up your rolling moves by making them electric. Which means... you can also use them to make Blanka-chan move! You'll have even more ways to mix up your offense! Uwo!
It also has one more hidden power. If you cancel a normal or unique attack into a rolling move, you won't have to charge the back or down inputs! That means you can start combos from your normal attacks even when you're moving towards your prey!
Super Art: Ground Shave Cannonball (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K)
Leap onto your opponent and bite them multiple times before slamming into them with an electrically charged spinning tackle. The leap performed upon activation can be used to deal with projectiles.
You can cancel into this from special moves to extend combos, or use it to sneak by an opponent's projectiles using the leap at the beginning!
Strategy: Fundamentals 1
In the jungle, crouching medium punch and crouching medium kick are what we use the most. Then, you could cancel them into some electricity, or do a Surprise Forward Hop (Right+3x K) into a normal throw to slip through your opponent's defenses!
But prey isn't going to let itself get hunted so easily, you know. They'll try to get you with Drive Impacts, or turtle up, or wiggle out of all your throws.
When they do, use Coward Crouch (Down+2x P) to get real low on the ground! Then, use Raid Jump (K) into a medium kick to jump in on them and get them rattled!
Strategy: Fundamentals 2
Use moves with long reach to poke at your opponent, like standing medium punch, standing medium kick, and crouching heavy punch.
The wildest way to get offensive is to lunge at them with a heavy Rolling Attack, since that's the one that's least likely to get countered even if it's blocked!
But a heavy Rolling Attack can be dangerous too. If your prey uses a Drive Parry to absorb it, you'll be in big trouble. So if you think your opponent is going for a Drive Parry, use a light Rolling Attack to land right in front of them, and then break through their defenses with a normal throw!
Strategy: Fundamentals 3
People who use projectiles to keep you locked down sure think they're smart, huh? Well, we'll show them jungle smarts! You can use Amazon River Run (Down-right+HP) to get low, slip right under pesky projectiles, and land an attack on the bad guy!
Another thing you could do is use Coward Crouch to duck the projectile, and then a Raid Jump or Surprise Forward Hop! Don't let your prey get away!
Strategy: Fundamentals 4
In the jungle, sometimes you're the one getting hunted. But we have a rule in the jungle: if something tries to jump at you, smack them with a Vertical Rolling Attack. You can't do that unless you're charging, though.
If you don't have time to charge, do an early standing heavy kick! Or you could try Wild Edge (Left+MK) instead! If you do a Surprise Forward Hop (Right+3x K) right after Wild Edge,
you'll be able pressure your prey right after they land!
Created 2025.03.26