Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Dee Jay
Dee Jay
E. Honda
E. Honda
M. Bison
M. Bison

Move List

Common Moves
Drive Impact
Sekkan Kick
Costs 1 Drive Gauge stock
Drive Reversal
Kaita Raid
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Drive Parry
Drive Parry
Costs Drive Gauge
Parry Drive Rush
Costs 0.5 Drive Gauge stock
Cancel Drive Rush
Costs 3 Drive Gauge stocks
Spider Fang Throw
Shadow Kick Throw
(In air)LP+LK
Unique Attacks
Senkai Kick
Renko Kicks
Death Crest
Special Moves
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Left+K
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+LK(LKto activate)
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+MK(MKto activate)
Go Ohsatsu
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+HK(HKto activate)
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Dragon Punch Right+P
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
(Up-right)Quarter Circle Left+K
Super Arts
Sakkai Fuhazan
Costs 1 Super Art stock
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K
Feng Shui Engine
Costs 2 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+P
Kaisen Dankai Raku
Costs 3 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+K


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Juri guide
Basic Info: How to play Juri
With unpredictable projectiles and numerous ways to attack while moving forward, Juri is an aggressive character with a sadistic streak who excels at keeping opponents off-kilter and beneath her heel.
Juri’s core game plan is to use her wide variety of kicks to pester and surprise opponents, then seize on openings to land devastating combos.
Once your opponent is cowering in fear, use Juri’s Fuha stock system to enhance your close range sequences and combo damage, and add a dash of cruelty to your offense.
Tensenrin is a versatile move that can be used in combos, as an anti-air, and more.
Special Move: Fuhajin (Quarter Circle Left+K)
Perform an upwards kick while capturing ki from your immediate surroundings. Increases your Fuha stock by 1 upon completion.
This handy little sucker can punt opponents up into the air, cancel out fireballs—the works. If that wasn't enough, it also jacks nearby ki to build up Fuha stocks. You can spend Fuha stocks to power up other moves. Saihasho, Ankensatsu, and Go Ohsatsu each take one stock. Once you power up like this, you can use the moves one after the next, so long as you don't repeat any. Speakin' of which—if you use an Overdrive version, you can only chain other Overdrive versions together.
Executes faster, and you can do a follow-up attack after popping up your opponent. This is the one you wanna use in combos if you're outta Fuha stocks.
Special Move: Saihasho (Quarter Circle Right+LK)
A roundhouse kick that fires a projectile low to the ground. Useful for checking your opponents, in combos, or as a way to start offensive pressure.
Chain into this one from moves with longer reach. If your opponent blocks this up close you're gonna eat a counterattack, so try to use it from further back. Using a Fuha stock adds extra range to keep opponents away.
Extra range, less recovery, and all chaos! Try chucking one out from far away, then following it in to attack. Sounds like fun, don't it?
Special Move: Ankensatsu (Quarter Circle Right+MK)
Leap forward in a low arc and come down with an axe kick. Useful as a way to approach while avoiding attacks targeted at your feet, and can also be used in combos.
If your opponent tries to clip your feet, you can use this to avoid it and make 'em pay. You get to move first after it hits, so try hitting 'em, throwing 'em... Y'know. The usual. If your opponent blocks this, you're pretty much screwed, so uhhh... Yeah, use it in combos. Power it up with a Fuha stock and you'll be able to chain into a fast move after it hits. Work it into a juicy combo to really rub some salt in the wound.
You can connect into this one from heavy attacks, so if they leave themselves open, bust this out to make their life hell. Then go into a medium attack for some bonus beatdown.
Special Move: Go Ohsatsu (Quarter Circle Right+HK)
Lunge forward and let fly a swift overhead roundhouse. Its long reach makes it effective when used for surprise attacks from a distance, and it can also be canceled into from normal moves to make combos.
This move has insane reach, so using it for surprise attacks or for combos from your other normal moves is the way to go. It gets even more power if you blow a Fuha stock on it. You're absolutely boned if your opponent blocks it, so pop a Fuha stock to make sure you can back yourself up with other moves. Saihasho can reduce risk too. If you connect, just keep attacking.
Adds more hits, and makes 'em go flying farther. Perfect for sendin' opponents to the corner for a good ass-kicking… Hyahaha! If you wanna spend some Drive Gauge, combo'ing into OD Ankensatsu is a sick way to juice your damage.
Special Move: Tensenrin (Dragon Punch Right+P)
Rotate like a windmill while unleashing a series of kicks. Can be used in a variety of situations to deal big damage.
This bad boy changes depending on which button you press. Light will give you a spinning forward kick. Feel free to toss it in your opponent's face and keep 'em in their place. Medium and heavy can stuff opponents who try to jump in, or can work as a combo extender from light attacks or after popping your opponent up in the air.
This yersion is totally invincible at the start, so you can just blow through your opponent's attacks. If they're on your case, using this should shut 'em up real quick.
Special Move: Shiku-sen (Quarter Circle Left+K during a forward jump)
A surprise attack performed by kicking while airborne. Useful for surprise attacks or as a way to approach your opponent.
This one flies in like a rocket—perfect for catching your opponent off guard. If you space things out to hit their feet, they won't be able to hit you back after blocking. Oh, and be ready to hammer out Shiren-sen if you hit.
After connecting with Shiren-sen, you get even more chances for a beatdown. Great for making fireball-chucking morons regret their life decisions.
Super Art: Sakkai Fuhazan (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K)
Fire multiple ki blasts with a kick and follow it up with another giant ki blast to knock an opponent away. Easy to work into aerial combos against opponents who have been launched into the air.
A huge, fast attack that you can slam into combos, easy. It's convenient, doesn't use any Drive Gauge, and even hits juggled opponents. Plus, it's invincible until the first attack executes.
Super Art: Feng Shui Engine (Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+P)
Power up your abilities by unleashing the power of the Feng Shui Engine embedded in your eye. Once powered up, you will be able to cancel normal moves into other normal moves or even unique attacks.
The power of my eye lets you string together moves that would never connect normally. Once activated, you can hold down the button to dash in and get attacking, but for starters, try canceling outta the dash into some normal moves.
The basic order is light, medium, heavy. Follow that rule of thumb, and you can cancel between normals and unique attacks all you want. Stringing moves together like this changes how
they work, so, uh... Experiment, I guess.
Super Art: Kaisen Dankai Raku (Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+K)
Unleash the full power of the Feng Shui Engine to perform a powerful sequence of attacks. Useful when trying to tack on big damage during combos or when turning the tables on your opponent.
This one's great as a "shove off" move, great in combos— the works. You don't wanna blow meter on it and whiff, so make sure you combo into it. Doing it as a follow-up or canceling into it from specials feels ridiculous too.
Strategy: Fundamentals 1
I'm gonna teach you the basics, but I hate playing teacher, so drill this crap into your brain, dingus.
First, kicks. Throw some kicks out there to keep your opponent from doing whatever the hell they want. Standing and crouching medium kick are great moves to start with. Work on figuring out where to stand so you can hit 'em with the power of my tippy toes.
From a little farther back, standing heavy punch is strong as hell at beating out other attacks.
Try mixing in standing heavy kick, Kyosesho, and Renko Kicks, all of which move you forward.
You can chain into specials from crouching medium kick and Renko Kicks, so if you connect, try canceling into Fuhajin and Saihasho and the like.
Strategy: Fundamentals 2
Once you've tormen— Ahem, frustrated your opponent, it's time to crush their pathetic dreams underfoot. Letting 'em jump in on you is sure to get annoying, so make sure you shoot 'em down when they try.
Crouching heavy punch is hella reliable. Jumping straight up and doing heavy kick works too, or you could air throw 'em to swap positions. If you're feelin' frisky, you can even try medium or heavy Tensenrin.
Strategy: Advanced 1
Once you've run my basic game plan, it's time to have some fun with my special Fuha stock system. Master it, and you'll have free rein on offense, at neutral, whenever. The fight will pretty much belong to you. By which I mean me.
First, I gotta teach ya how to build Fuha stocks. It's a cinch—just throw out a Fuhajin. Course, your opponent's not just gonna stand there like a dope and watch you do it. If they try to mess with you, stick with the basic game plan: shut 'em up with your normals and anti-airs.
Once you have some distance, you can safely build Fuha stocks with light Fuhajin. Using medium and heavy Fuhajin in combos works too. Oh, and you can cancel into light Fuhajin from crouching medium kick, if that's your thing.
Strategy: Advanced 2
Once you've built up some Fuha stocks, it's party time. Use Fuha stocks to power up special moves and make your opponent's life hell! Make sure to learn sequences involving the powered up versions of each move.
Saihasho lets you go on the offensive after firing it off, and you can use it off normal moves to get free pressure. If you've got plenty of stocks built up, you can even connect into Ankensatsu for some hot combo action.
Work Ankensatsu into combos to jack up your damage. If you've got Fuha stocks, you can use Saihasho to cover any gaps you leave behind.
Go Ohsatsu is great for catchin' fools off guard, especially off your other normal attacks. Use Saihasho to make it safer, or Ankensatsu to boost damage. Basically, if you've got two or more stocks, you can breathe easy.
Created 2025.03.26