Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Dee Jay
Dee Jay
E. Honda
E. Honda
M. Bison
M. Bison

Move List

Common Moves
Drive Impact
Costs 1 Drive Gauge stock
Drive Reversal
Love Tap
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Drive Parry
Drive Parry
Costs Drive Gauge
Parry Drive Rush
Costs 0.5 Drive Gauge stock
Cancel Drive Rush
Costs 3 Drive Gauge stocks
Mounted Grace
Ponte Milvio
Unique Attacks
Marisa Style
Light Two Hitter
Medium Two Hitter
Heavy Two Hitter
Volare Combo
(In air)MP,MP
Caelum Arc
Magna Bunker
Gaia Bash
Novacula Swipe
Novacula Thrust
Malleus Breaker
Falx Crusher
Special Moves
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+P
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Left+P,Right+P
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Dragon Punch Right+P
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Right+K
Costs 2 Drive Gauge stocks
Quarter Circle Left+K
Super Arts
Javelin of Marisa
Costs 1 Super Art stock
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+P
Costs 2 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+P
Goddess of the hunt
Costs 3 Super Art stocks
Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K


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Marisa guide
Basic Info: How to play Marisa
Armed with powerful, long-reaching strikes and moves that work well on both offense and defense, Marisa is a hard-hitting powerhouse ready to pummel opponents into submission.
Marisa has long-reaching attacks that move her forward, giving her plenty of tools for menacing opponents with pure aggression.
Up close, her easy-to-use chain attacks generate relentless rushdown to quickly overpower opponents.
Scutum can be used both as a defensive tool or as a way to crack your opponent's defenses wide open.
Special Move: Gladius (Quarter Circle Right+P)
A devastating straight punch. Can be powered up by holding the attack button.
Best way to use this move is to just...lay into 'em. Fire it off to keep your opponent in check, or cancel into it from a normal attack. It's even got an upper-body armor effect. Handy, no?
And as a little extra bonus, you can hold down the button when you use it to charge up and blow through any armor your opponent has. There's hardly a better feeling than when you land it. Take care not to get too used to the thrill!
Adds an armor effect to the beginning. It's also fairly safe even if your opponent blocks it, so feel free to throw it out here and there whenever the mood should strike.
You can hold the button to charge it up as well. Because if you're gonna hit 'em, you gotta make it hurt!
Special Move: Dimachaerus (Quarter Circle Left+P,Right+P)
An uppercut with a wide swing followed by a second punch that slams an opponent to the ground. Useful when used out of normal or unique attacks to create combos.
Great in combos, or to pound jumping opponents into paste. The light, medium, and heavy versions execute at different speeds and deal varying damage. Rule of thumb—you can combo into it from a move of the same strength.
Remember that the light version is invincible against your opponent's jump attacks, and the heavy version's second hit gives you an opportunity for a follow-up attack.
Gives you a big follow-up attack chance on hit, and has added invincibility against your opponent's jump attacks!
If they jump at you, this'll make 'em regret it! Bwahaha!
Special Move: Phalanx (Dragon Punch Right+P)
Leap into the air and come down with a powerful downward punch. Allows you to move first even if it is blocked, making it effective for ontinuing offensive pressure.
This attack has an upper-body armor effect, and lets you act first even after your opponent blocks it. You couldn't ask for a better way to get your offense going!
Tear through your opponent's armor for huge damage. It even gives you the opportunity for a follow-up when you're in the corner.
Use it well, and your opponent will be squashed flat by the pressure!
Special Move: Quadriga (Quarter Circle Right+K)
Hop forward with a powerful front kick. Useful as a surprise attack that allows you to close the distance with your opponent, and can also be used to tack on additional hits in combos.
When you're a ways from your opponent, this is the move to use. Try spacing it so you hit with the tip of the foot. You can also change up how far you go depending on the strength of the button used.
Hit with this, and it'll send 'em flying to the corner! A nice, juicy hit will net you free follow-ups as a bonus! It's also great for ripping through your opponent's armor.
Special Move: Scutum (Quarter Circle Left+K)
A defensive maneuver in which you cover your head with both arms, giving armor to your upper body and automatically countering your opponent's attacks if hit. If you continue holding the button following a counter, you will return to the Scutum stance.
This is a defensive move that lets you take a hit with upper- body armor and strike right back. When you counterattack, you get a chance for some close-range offense. Just remember that you can't cancel into it from other attacks.
This move leads into other moves as well.
First up is Tonitrus (P,P), which can't be blocked crouching. Stopping at the first hit will leave you fairly safe, so you can throw it out whenever you want...within reason.
Next up is Procella (K), which can't be blocked standing. It's got long reach, making it a fine choice for catching your opponents by surprise.
Finally, there's Enfold (LPLK)—a throw technique. It packs a punch, so get in there and make your opponent feel like a dummy for even thinking about blocking.
Adds a full-body armor effect, and executes super quick. If things aren't looking good, use this to put the fear of God in your opponent and make them think twice.
Super Art: Javelin of Marisa (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+P)
Bring a full-power punch down on your opponent with a wide swing. Hold the button to increase its damage.
Hold the button down, and it'll add an armor effect. Use it to shrug off your opponent's attacks and swing back like a true gladiator. Nothing wakes you up in the morning better than a little slugfest, I always say!
Super Art: Meteorite (Quarter Circle LeftQuarter Circle Left+P)
Leap into the air with a tackle and descend with a single devastating punch. Useful as an anti-air attack or as a way to tack on big damage at the end of a combo.
This one is a big leaping attack, sure, but if you hit an opponent right at the start, it'll drag airborne opponents into the ground headfirst! With a little practice, you can even use it as an anti-air, and even in combos.
Super Art: Goddess of the Hunt (Quarter Circle RightQuarter Circle Right+K)
After sending your opponent to their knees with a vicious tackle, hit them with a devastating punch that sends them flying against the wall. versatile move that can counter projectiles, be used in combos, and can turn the tables when under pressure.
Ah yes, this is me at my most powerful—AND most tender! Use it in combos, or to interrupt your opponent's attacks. And would you believe it goes through projectiles too? Che figata!
Strategy: Fundamentals 1
If you wanna know how I like to fight, I'm happy to instruct. Get in there, and pummel the opponent with everything you've got. Class dismissed! ...Okay, okay. There's a little more to it. Let's start with the basics.
First, use standing heavy punch and heavy kick to establish your ground game. Both have great reach and are easy to make contact with. Try landing a standing heavy punch and going into Heavy Two Hitter (HP,HP) from there.
Mixing in Gladius to blow through your opponent's moves is also a fine option. If they try to turn things around on you with a Drive Impact, either charge up Gladius to barrel through, or return the favor with a Drive Impact of your own!
Strategy: Fundamentals 2
Fighting means getting in there and going blow for blow. And sometimes, that means getting whacked yourself. The key is knowing how to deal with jump-ins… and your opponent, once they're up close and personal.
When your opponent jumps at you, use light or OD Dimachaerus.
Crouching heavy punch and jumping medium punch are two other fast, solid options. You can even string jumping medium punch into my patented Volare Combo (MP,MP during a jump).
Okay, so what do you do once your opponent's in your face? OD Scutum will let you defend yourself and strike back, taking whatever they throw at you and turning it into yet another offensive opportunity.
Strategy: Advanced 1
Once you have the basics under your balteus, it's YOUR turn to attack. Slam your opponent with strong, close-range moves over and over again. It doesn't matter if they block a few of them. They'll crumble eventually. They always do.
Start with Light Two Hitter (LP,LP) and Medium Two Hitter (MP,MK). If you make contact, cancel into Phalanx and let 'er rip! That right there is the simplest way to start some rushdown.
Thing is, if that's the only thing you do, your opponent's gonna Drive Parry you. Try mixing in a charged Gladius or two, which lets you move first even if it's blocked, then use Scutum's moves to tear down their defenses.
Strategy: Advanced 2
So. The heavy versions of all my normal and unique moves can be charged by holding down the button. It'll give 'em a little extra oomph, for lack of a better word, so be sure to get a feel for it.
Take my basic standing heavy punch and heavy kick. If you charge 'em up, you'll have more advantage if the opponent blocks. It's also a great way to wipe out their Drive Gauge.
As far as unique attacks go, a charged Magna Bunker (Left+HP) is a great move to sprinkle into combos and attack sequences. Try charging up my other unique attacks as well. They really sell what I'm all about—clobbering folks at full force!
Created 2025.03.26